Sunday, June 03, 2007

Tagged by Nise': "Countdown to Reading"

I've been tagged by Nise' (click here to visit her blog - after you finish reading my post, of course!) The rules for "Countdown To Reading" are:

Post your responses. Tag anywhere from 1-5 friends. Leave comments to let them know they've been tagged. Come back and leave a comment when your post is up. Here we go:

Next 5 books on your To-Be-Read shelf:

1. The One Year Bible: Catholic Edition. As the name implies, if you follow all the daily readings, you'll finish the entire Bible in one year. I got about halfway through last year, but lost track so I plan to pick back up at the beginning.

2. Harry Potter & Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling. My mother pre-orders each of the Harry Potter books for Son #1 and he and I usually tear though them.

3. The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkein. Son #1 and I are slowly working our way through the Lord of the Rings series. He reads a chapter, tells me what's going on, then I read it to him outloud. It's fascinating to see how well he comprehends complex writing, even when he doesn't understand all the words. We've completed The Silmarrillion (the prequel) and The Hobbit.

4. Children of the Hurin by J.R.R. Tolkein. Another newly published prequel. Son #1 will receive this as a birthday gift for his birthday later in the month. Shhhhh....don't tell!

Sadly, I don't have a 5th book on my list. If I fly to Virginia to visit my mother in July, I'll buy a novel to read on the plain. I liketo read suspense thrillers, or fluff chick books when traveling.

Last 4 books you've read:

1. The Gift of ADHD by Lara Honos-Webb, ph.D - Dr. Honos-Webb attempts to re-frame Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder in a more positive light ("How to Transform Your Child's Problems into Strengths"). It seems that her outlook is a little too rosy at times, but I love how she challenges the two Ds: "deficit" is rarely accurate, and she doesn't believe it should be considered a "disorder." Favorite quote: "If one were to apply the logic of seeing differences as disorders to gender, the medical profession might well label women wiht a "penis-deficit/hypermammary disorder."

2. A book loaned to me (and since returned) whose title I cannot recall. It's about the diaconate ministry in the Catholic Church. I think it was called Diaconate Spirituality, but I'm not sure.

3. The Hobbitt by J.R.R. Tolkein. See #3 on my "To Read" list above.

4. The Berenstain Bears Wishing Star. Okay, I'm grasping here. I read this to Son #3 last night.

I'm a multitasker when it comes to books (and most other things). I'm part way through 5 books, but I haven't technically completed them yet and since I'm in the process of reading them, it didn't seem right to list them on the "To Read" list.

Last 3 books you've borrowed (library or friend):

1 and 2 were books loaned to me by a friend about the Diaconate (ministry of ordained deacons in the Catholic Church). Number 3 was a book about Aspbergers Syndrome. Unfortunately, I don't recall the titles.

Last 2 non-fiction books you've read:

1. The Gift of ADHD (see above)

2. See the list of Last 3 Books Borrowed (above)

The 1 book you wish everyone would read:

1. The Bible, in conjunction with a really good Bible guide book. It's not a simple book to read, that's for sure. A good guide book will help you understand the historical and cultural context of the time. It's one think to read it. It's another thing entirely to understand it. That's where prayer helps. :-)

I'm not going to formally tag anyone, but I'd love to see John McElveen's, Shionge's, and Sue's lists. (hint hint).


Full-On-Forward said...

I accept the challenge- give me a day or two to look back through them.


Thanks for the tag!

Sue said...

Oh you're going to be sorry - my book list is full of "fluffy" reading suitable for the commute.

But I also have Harry Potter on order from Amazon and can't wait!

Give me a day or so and I'll get this posted. said...

Oh Lord, trying to list the books I've read... Although the list is short as of late, it can be quite eccentric.

I am SO READY For my HP book to come in, too!!!! Gottta reread the last one, to refresh my brain.

Shionge said...

Hahha...thank you for tagging me Elle...I've owed too many ppl hahahah...

I just went to Times Bookstores this Fellowship of the Ring too....

Elle*Bee said...

Thanks, john, I look forward to it. (changed your name, I see.)

Sue, I love fluff! I could actually use some recommendations. It's just been so long since I sat down to read for enjoyment, you know?

tracey, I struggled with my list too. I'm just glad it didn't say "last three books read this year" - LOL

I understand, shionge, but I hope you'll consider it. It would be interesting to your North American readers to see whether what you're reading in Singapore is very different or similar.

Nadine said...

You have a good list, but you're right the Bible is the best book everyone should read.

Jennifer (mom of four) said...

It's been awhile since I have commented!! You are on my Bloglines and I read you everyday!! Its been busy around here!! No excuses but wanted to drop in and say Hello!!

Elle*Bee said...

Nadine, in my opinion, it should be read more than once in a lifetime. I think it will "speak" differently to a person at various stages in their life.

Thank you, jenmomof4! It's great to hear from you again. I do check into your blog, too, but I admit I've been having a tough time keeping up with all my faves in the past couple of weeks (the kids got out of school on 5/24 and my schedule is so out of whack right now). Things will settle down in the next week or so and I plan to get back to my regular blog reading (and posting).

Full-On-Forward said...

Waiting on Harry as well- but I must confess I have some to post and I will get them up tomorrow!

Unless I can get a house elf to do it for me! Have a great day all and I look forward to the posts!


I really did change my name? Gotta check that out uhhhhhh "Flashbacks" I hope it's better!

Full-On-Forward said...

NISE! What did I change my name too- PARANOID IN SC LOL! JOHN

Please Help Me!


Elle*Bee said...

john - no major changes. I just noticed that in addition to modifying your photo, you dropped the McElveen. That's all. You can relax.