Wednesday, August 09, 2006


Back in late April/early May, I took Son #3 to Story Time at our local library. The theme was "Earth Day." The librarian read three books to the children then - instead of the usual craft project - she had each child plant a single sunflower seed in a paper cup.

The seed sprouted within days and when it grew to a few inches, we transplanted it into our garden. It took a couple of months for it to grow tall and finally bloom, but check it out now.

Here's Son #3 and his prized sunflower:


Anonymous said...

Holy crap! Are you serious? That is soo tall! He must be very proud of it.I kill plants have ever survived in our house.

Oh, and it's sooo pretty!

Elle*Bee said...

Yeah, it's to the top of our porch cover now. It's starting to wilt though so I don't know how long these things last. We'll definitely try it again next year. It was a nice project for a kid because it sprouted so quickly.

~d said...


Elle*Bee said...

Yes, it took a bit of a beating from last night's rain, but it's hanging in there. BTW, my Dear Hubby tried returning your Dear Hubby's call the other night. Hope he got the message.

Farm Girl said...

I love sunflowers. We usually plant a bunch in the backyard but never did this year.

Lala's world said...

oh man that is SO HUGE!!
I have always wanted to grow those but have never done well growing flowers!!

Elle*Bee said...

We'll definitely try it again next year, with more seeds, in the backyard. Do you know whether this one will develop its own seeds?

Nikki said...

That sunflower looks so great!

I have a little section of my border set aside for Lauren and she does what she wants with it.

I've been meaning to try sunflowers every year and never get around to it.

Next year, it's a must. I just hope it turns out as good as that one.

Elle*Bee said...

nikki, they're really easy to grow - they sprout quickly. Ours is declining now, but hanging in there.