Monday, January 19, 2009

First Day of School (sort of)

As I mentioned in my last post, Dear Hubby has been accepted in to the diaconate program (i.e., studying to be a deacon) with the Archdiocese. Wives are "strongly encouraged to attend and participate" in classes. This past Saturday, we attended the first of our classes: social justice and theology.

Social Justice is the one taught by the "tough" instructor. Ex-military, retired attorney - he uses the 'Socratic method' much like that used in law school. Lots of class participation, students are expected to have the answers, or at least the reasoning to defend one's ideas. To say I'm out of my element is an understatement, yet I thoroughly enjoyed it. Perhaps it was because of I really have nothing to lose, other than my dignity. :-)

Our first assignment - given at the orientation retreat last Sunday - was to read and be prepared to discuss Pope John Paul II's encyclical, Evangelium Vitae (Gospel of Life) - all 167 pages of it. In six days.

Classes meet every two weeks, but each session alternates. So next time (Jan. 31), we'll study Spirituality and attend a workshop. The following class (Feb. 14) will be our second Social Justice/Theology class. I joked with my husband that since we essentially have four weeks until the next class, the instructor will assign four books to read. I was pleasantly surprised that this was not the case.


Lala's world said...

wow what an undertaking! congratulations for him being excepted! I wish you both all the best as you study and pursue this new calling!

Elle*Bee said...

Thank you, lala, we're taking it one day at a time.

Nadine said...

You can do this. I think it's great.

Elle*Bee said...

Thanks, Nadine, for the vote of confidence.