Friday, September 07, 2007

Eyes Wide Open

No longer squinting through 5-year old glasses (two prescriptions ago). Today I made my third visit in just under two weeks to the optometrist. Both corneas are looking much, much better, he said. No more sign of dry eyes.

He gave me a sample pair of different contact lenses, Accuvue Oasys, made especially for folks with drier eyes, which I am now wearing and loving. The astigmatism in my right eye has gotten worse over the past couple of years, but it's doesn't seems to noticeably impact my vision unless I close one eye and look out the other. And, let's face it, why would I do that?

In order to correct the astigmatism, I'd need to switch to toric contact lenses, but those aren't recommended for dry eyes so the barely perceptible lack of 'crispness' in the vision in my right eye is a minor detail.

I also ordered a new pair of glasses with my updated prescription which I hope to only rarely wear. I go back in two weeks for a follow up. If the dry eye condition doesn't return, we'll place the order for my new contacts.

In the grand scheme of things, glasses versus contacts is not such a big drama...but I'm just not a glasses kind of gal.


KAYLEE said...


Nadine said...

Well it's not an easy thing to deal with. I hope all goes well.

Sue said...

Glad to hear your eyes are doing better! And I completely understand about preferring contacts to glasses. I don't think I could manage if I couldn't wear my contacts every day!

Elle*Bee said...

Glad to have you back, kaylee.

Well, nadine and sue, I'm back to squinting at least for a couple of days. Yesterday my eyes turned a bit red, one much more than the other. I don't know whether it's dry eye related or pollen, but since I don't have anything going on today, I'll wear the old glasses. Hopefully, I'll be back in the contacts tomorrow - I have a busy day.

Shionge said...

Hope it progresses well I get older I certainly do have a problem with my eye-sight ...sigh...

Lala's world said...

speaking of which I need to get my eyes checked as I sit here squinting at the screen! dang getting older is NOT fun!!

Joy said...

Have they said anything about laser surgery? Would that help?

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