Monday, October 22, 2007

It's Been a While...

Over a week since my last post (sorry!). It's been one of those busy-doing-not-much weeks. You moms know what I mean. Dear Hubby spent three nights in Cleveland on business which threw our usual routine off.

Then there was the Cub Scout Family Camp Out this past weekend. Dear Hubby is cubmaster so he was obligated to get there early. My cub scout, Son #2, didn't arrive until mid-morning Saturday because he had a baseball game. (His team won 9 to 3.) Oh and I had to go vote before the game. I arrived at the state park around 10:30 a.m. on Saturday with all three sons.

Since the state park is only two and a half miles from our house, I opted to sleep in my own bed. "Lights out" is at 9:00 p.m., which is simply too early for a night owl like myself. Considering that most people don't start waking until 6:00 a.m., those nine hours sleeping on the ground would just be too much for my aching back. I left the campground after the campfire so I didn't miss much - except for the whole sleeping on the ground thing.

Today I was "summoned" for jury duty but I wasn't selected. While I was sort of curious as to what it's all about (and I didn't want to be one of "those" people who would try to wheedle out of their civic duty), I *am* relieved. And a tad disappointed. All the trials this week were scheduled to be criminal cases, which might have been interesting. I do enjoy my Court TV.

However, had I been selected, it would've been a challenge to get all three kids off to school in the morning (did I mention that all three attend different schools?) and still make it to the courthouse on time. I had already lined up a relative to meet the kids' buses in the afternoon, but that's moot now.

So I have my week back. I'll spend it helping Son #1 with his science fair project, and doing room mom stuff for Son #3's kindergarten class (Red Ribbon Week is Oct. 29 - Nov. 2). I did just join a fitness center. It might be nice to actually go to that.

So, as I said. Busy doing not much.


Nadine said...

You're funny. Not too busy? Jury duty would have been a hoot. I got called once but was sent home too before they even called my number.

Elle*Bee said...

nadine, I felt sort of rejected. Like perhaps they didn't like the looks of me. ha ha!

Sue said...

Jury duty might have been fun! Too bad you weren't selected. That might have made for some interesting posts!

Elle*Bee said...

sue, I watch a lot of Court TV so I would've been ready! ;-)