Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Home Sweet Home

As I mentioned in my last post, I spent several days in Virginia visiting my mother - a long Girl's Weekend, if you will. Shopping, dining out, catching up with friends. I had a great time.

I guess there's no way to ease back into 'the real world,' though. When I stepped off the airplane on Sunday afternoon, I was greeted by two bickering kids, one sick kid, and of course Dear Hubby who had Single Dad duty since Wednesday. But yes, it's good to be home.

Son #2 (the sick one) stayed home from school yesterday, but was feeling fine today. Son #1 is receiving an award at his school this evening (honor roll is my guess) and Son #3 is usual high maintenance, but lovable self.

I hope my fellow mom bloggers had a great Mother's Day!


Shionge said...

Thanks for the update and Happy Belated Mother's Day too pal, hope they are all fine now!

Nadine said...

I'm glad you enjoyed your Mother's Day.